The Top Ten Best Lifestyle Articles of 2020


It’s been a trying year for everyone, so it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself. To help you do that, we’ve rounded up the best lifestyle articles of 2020. Trust us, these pieces will help you feel better, faster.

1. “How to actually stick to your New Year’s resolutions” by Erinlite

It’s that time of year again. New Year’s resolutions are made and, come February, most of us have already given up on them. But it doesn’t have to be that way! This helpful article outlines realistic and achievable goals that you can actually stick to.

2. “The art of self-care: A guide for busy women” by Bianca Mendez

Self-care is so important, but it’s often one of the first things to fall by the wayside when we’re feeling busy or stressed. This comprehensive guide will help you make time for self-care, even when life is hectic.

3. “How to spring clean your life and start fresh” by Gabrielle Savoy

As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, it’s the perfect time to purge your life of anything that’s dragging you down. This article will help you identify the areas of your life that need a fresh start and give you actionable tips for decluttering your life.

4. “The ultimate guide to a healthy mind and body” by Healthista

If you’re looking for a one-stop shop when it comes to taking care of yourself, look no further. This comprehensive guide covers everything from nutrition to mental health, and it’s packed with expert tips and advice.

5. “Why self-compassion is the key to a happier life” by Stefanie Weisman

We’re often our own worst critics, but studies have shown that self-compassion can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. This article dives into the science of self-compassion and offers practical tips for being kinder to yourself.

6. “The benefits of meditation and how to get started” by Michelle Schroder-Gardner

Meditation has countless benefits, but it can be tough to get started if you’re not sure how. This helpful article covers everything from the basics of meditation to the science behind its benefits. Once you’re done reading, you’ll be ready to start your own meditation practice.

7. “How to beat burnout and recharge your batteries” by Melisse Gelula

If 2020 has left you feeling exhausted, you’re not alone. Burnout is becoming more and more common, but there are thankfully ways to combat it. This article covers everything from the signs of burnout to practical tips for avoiding it.

8. “3 simple steps to a happier life” by Joanna Goddard

You don’t need to make major changes to your life to be happy. Sometimes, the simplest things can make the biggest difference. This article covers three small changes you can make that will lead to lasting happiness.

9. “5 science-backed ways to boost your mood” by Shelley Emling

When you’re feeling down, it can be tough to get out of your funk. But there are things you can do to help yourself feel better. This article outlines five proven mood-boosters that you can start using today.

10. “How to find your passion and live a fulfilling life” by Jene Bramel

Too often, we get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget what we’re passionate about. This article will help you rediscover your passions and start living a life that’s more fulfilling.

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