The engineering of Rome, so many feats


Roman Empire, such a glorious site
A culture of great strength and might
The legions of Rome, a frightening sight
A great civilization to last all night

The leaders of Rome, such power and grace
The Caesars of old, a bolder face
The legacy of Rome will never cease
An empire of grandeur, the world to please

The Colosseum, a symbol of their reign
A place of epic battles, to entertain
The Senate of Rome, so wise and grand
A place of true power, in the land

The engineering of Rome, so many feats
Aqueducts and roads, to keep the empire neat
A culture of science, to learn from the past
The Romans surely did, their legacy to last

The laws of Rome, a great feat of its own
The Twelve Tables, to keep Rome’s throne
Roman Empire, such a glorious site
A culture of great strength and might.

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