Mother and daughter playing and running around the park on beautiful morning.

The 100 Greatest Albums of All Time


As the saying goes, “Greatness is a measure of time.” And when it comes to albums, there are few measures more definitive than “The 100 Greatest Albums of All Time.” This list, originally published in Rolling Stone magazine in 2003, ranks the one-hundred most influential and important albums ever recorded, as decided by a panel of music experts.

Topping the list is The Beatles’ 1968 classic, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The album is a masterclass in songwriting, arrangement, and production, and its influence can still be heard in the music of today. Other top albums include Bob Dylan’s Highway 61 Revisited, The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds, and Michael Jackson’s Thriller.

What makes an album great? It’s a question that has been asked since the dawn of popular music. Is it the songwriting? The performance? The production? Or is it something more intangible, like the feeling it evokes? Whatever the answer, there’s no denying that the albums on this list are all classics, and they all deserve their place in history.

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