How to Have a Successful Relationship: Advice from the Top Relationship Experts


When it comes to having a successful relationship, it takes more than just love to make it work. Communication, trust, and compromise are just a few of the important factors that come into play. If you’re looking for some advice on how to have a successful relationship, we’ve got you covered. We asked some of the top relationship experts to share their best tips.

Dr. John Gottman, author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, says that the biggest predictor of divorce is contempt. “Contempt is the number one sign that a relationship is doomed,” he says. “When we feel contempt for our partner, we’ve completely lost sight of their good points.” If you find yourself feeling contemptuous of your partner, it’s important to take a step back and try to see things from their perspective.

communication is key

Dr. Tina B. Tessina, author of How to Be Happy Partners: Working it out Together, says that communication is key to a successful relationship. “Couples need to learn to communicate their feelings, needs, and desires to their partner directly, honestly, and openly,” she says. It’s important to be able to express yourself to your partner, and to be able to listen to and understand them as well.

compromise is essential

If you want your relationship to be successful, you’ll need to be willing to compromise. “No relationship can function without compromise,” says Dr. Randy Carter, author of The New Rules of Marriage. “Couples need to learn to negotiate and find solutions that work for both of them.” It’s important to remember that compromise doesn’t mean that you have to give up everything you want. It just means that you’re willing to meet your partner halfway.

trust is vital

“Trust is the glue that holds relationships together,” says Dr. Carter. “Couples need to trust each other and feel that they can rely on each other.” If you don’t feel like you can trust your partner, it’s important to talk about it. Trust can’t be built overnight, but it is essential for a successful relationship.

respect each other’s differences

“Couples need to accept and respect each other’s differences,” says Dr. Tessina. “They need to learn to accept each other’s flaws and quirky behaviors.” It’s important to remember that we all have our own quirks and flaws, and that’s what makes us unique. If you can learn to love and accept your partner’s differences, it will go a long way in having a successful relationship.

support each other’s dreams

“Couples need to encourage and support each other’s dreams,” says Dr. Carter. “Each person in the relationship should feel like they can pursue their own goals and aspirations without feeling like they’re sacrificing for the relationship.” It’s important to remember that both people in the relationship are individuals, and that each person has their own hopes and dreams. If you can support your partner in pursuing their dreams, it will make for a stronger relationship.

make time for each other

“Couples need to make time for each other, both in private and in public,” says Dr. Tessina. “They need to find ways to connect with each other on a regular basis.” It’s important to find time for both quality time together and alone time. If you can find a balance between the two, it will go a long way in having a successful relationship.

These are just a few of the many important factors that go into having a successful relationship. If you can keep these things in mind, you’ll be well on your way to having a happy and healthy relationship.

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