29 August 2017-Bucharest, Romania. The movie under the stars event, created by the city hall in the park Moghiorosh. You can see a projection screen and people waiting for it to start

From Bellwethers to Billions: Updates on PFAS MDL Settlements and Legal Strategies

The ongoing multidistrict litigation (MDL) concerning PFAS-containing firefighter foams continues to be an actively litigated matter as well as an area of public concern. PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, have garnered significant attention due to their ubiquitous nature and potential health risks. Firefighter foams have been alleged to contaminate water sources with these harmful chemicals that have raised complex issues of liability, regulation and scientific evidence in response…
By: Pillsbury – PFAS Observer
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OIG Issues Favorable Advisory Opinion Involving Financial Risk Mitigation Arrangements for High-Cost Rare Disease Drug