
Frankfurt- Germany

"Is there something to hide here?" we ask ourselves in the face of darkened windows. And whether! Because in Kabuki it gets really hot to the point. The head waiter leads us to a rectangular table with an inset steel plate, in front of it is our personal teppanyaki cook, armed with knives and sauce baskets. In addition to our menus there is the attentive waiter team tea, sweet and sour marinated salad with roasted sesame and a soup with wakame-tang, tofu and pasta.

Within minutes we feel strengthened and then we go to the preserves: 'wend' ', scraped' 'and flambé' 'and the fried salmon fillet (Aramaki 14 Euro) with shitake mushrooms on crisp, colorful vegetable strips in front of us. Delicate flavored and with a refined velvety sauce that is second to none. The chicken steak (Ashigaru 16 Euro) is incredibly tender to us. A true joy here, too, is the aroma of the cinnamon-tart jus.

Opening hours

