Bench under the tree in the Royal Botanic Gardens in London

Data Privacy + Cybersecurity Insider – May 2024 #2

CYBERSECURITY – Health Care Entities Continue to Get Pummeled by Cybersecurity Attacks – The newest health care entity to be hit by a cyberattack is Ascension Health, which operates 140 hospitals and 40 assisted living facilities in 19 states. Ascension confirmed that it has been hit by a cybersecurity attack and that the attack has disrupted its clinical operations. Ascension detected the attack on May 8, 2024, and is in the process of investigating and responding to it….
By: Robinson & Cole LLP
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US FTC Continues Aggressive Scrutiny of Pharmaceutical Patents Listed in the Orange Book

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US DoD Issues Class Deviation Delaying DFARS Implementation of Upcoming NIST SP 800-171, Revision 3