02 August 2018-Bucharest, Romania. People waiting and watching in the public park Herastrau for the movie to start on the projection screen of the open air cinema

Brazil Data Protection Agency (ANPD) Publishes Proposed International Transfer of Personal Data Regulation for Public Consultation

The Brazil Data Protection Agency (“ANPD”) on August 15, 2023 released a draft of the International Transfer of Personal Data Regulation (“Regulation Draft”) and the standard contractual clauses (“SCCs”) for public comment. Interested parties can submit comments to the provisions of the Regulation between August 15 and September 14, 2023. After the comments period is closed, the ANPD will hold a public hearing to discuss the draft at a date to be determined….
By: Littler
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Impending FCRA Data Broker Rulemaking Announced by CFPB Director Chopra at White House Data Broker Roundtable