Popular Linux commands


Linux is a Unix-like operating system that is widely used for a variety of purposes, including web servers, application servers, and desktop environments. Here is a list of some popular Linux commands:

  1. ls: list the files and directories in a directory
  2. cd: change the current working directory
  3. mkdir: create a new directory
  4. touch: create a new file
  5. rm: delete a file or directory
  6. cp: copy a file or directory
  7. mv: move or rename a file or directory
  8. grep: search for a pattern in a file or output
  9. find: search for files based on criteria such as name, size, and modification date
  10. cat: display the contents of a file
  11. less: view the contents of a file one page at a time
  12. head: display the first few lines of a file
  13. tail: display the last few lines of a file
  14. sort: sort the lines of a file
  15. uniq: remove duplicate lines from a file

It is not possible to list all Linux commands, as there are many thousands of them and new ones are being developed all the time. However, here is a list of some common Linux commands that are available on most systems:

  1. a2p: Awk to Perl translator
  2. alias: create an alias for a command
  3. apropos: search the manual page names and descriptions
  4. apt-get: package manager for Debian-based systems
  5. aspell: interactive spell checker
  6. awk: pattern scanning and processing language
  7. base64: encode or decode base64 data
  8. bash: GNU Bourne-Again Shell
  9. bc: arbitrary precision calculator language
  10. bg: move a job to the background
  11. break: exit from a loop
  12. bzip2: compress or decompress files
  13. cal: display a calendar
  14. cat: concatenate and print files
  15. cd: change the current working directory
  16. chgrp: change the group ownership of a file
  17. chmod: change the permissions of a file
  18. chown: change the ownership of a file
  19. chroot: run a command with a different root directory
  20. cksum: compute the CRC checksum of a file

This is just a small selection of the many commands available in Linux. For a complete list of commands, you can consult the documentation for your particular distribution of Linux, or use the man command to view the manual pages for a command.

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