MILAN - APRIL 08: People look at paintings galleries during MiArt, international exhibition of modern and contemporary art on April 08, 2011 in Milan, Italy

Tis not unknown to you, Antonio


‘Tis not unknown to you, Antonio,
How much I have disabled mine estate,
By something showing a more swelling port
Than my faint means would grant continuance:
Nor do I now make moan to be abridged
From such a noble rate; but my chief care
Is to come fairly off from the great debts
Wherein my time something too prodigal
Hath left me gaged. To you, Antonio,
I owe the most, in money and in love,
And from your love I have a warranty
To unburden all my plots and purposes
How to get clear of all the debts I owe.

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In my school-days