The Girl Who Chased the Moon


The Girl Who Chased the Moon

Isabelle was always a dreamer. As a child, she would spend hours laying in the grass, staring up at the moon and wondering what it would be like to touch it. She would make wishes on falling stars and dream of the day when she would finally be able to reach the moon.

As she grew older, Isabelle’s dreams only became more elaborate. She began to chase the moon, believing that if she could just touch it, she would be able to make all of her wishes come true. She built a rocket ship and made a plan to launch herself to the moon.

The night before her launch, Isabelle could barely sleep. She was so excited to finally be chasing her dream. But as she gazed out her window at the moon, she had a sudden change of heart. She realized that even if she did manage to touch the moon, she would never be able to keep it. It was just out of her reach, like all her other dreams.

The next morning, Isabelle canceled her launch. She realized that it was time to stop chasing the moon and start chasing her own happiness.

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