39 Easy Ways to Spice Up Your Love Life


When it comes to love, we all want to keep the spark alive. We want to feel that butterflies-in-the-stomach excitement, that can’t-get-enough-of-you passion. Feeling connected to our partner and being sexually satisfied are integral parts of a happy relationship. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, things in the bedroom can start to feel a little…routine.

If your love life could use a little boost, try one (or more!) of these 39 easy ways to spice things up.

1. Communicate your desires.

The first step to a more fulfilling sex life is communicating your wants and needs to your partner. If you’re not sure what you like, that’s OK, too. Exploring your sexuality with your partner can be just as exciting as trying something new.

2. Get out of the bedroom.

Be spontaneous and have sex in a different room, or even outside! If you’re feeling really adventurous, try doing it in public (just make sure you don’t get caught!).

3. role-play.

Fantasizing about being with someone else? Why not act out those fantasies with your partner? Role-playing can be a fun way to spice up your sex life.

4. Have a “yes, no, maybe” list.

Sit down with your partner and each of you make a list of sexual activities that you would like to try. Then, compare lists and see what you’re both up for trying.

5. Try a new position.

There are literally hundreds of different sex positions out there. If you’re stuck in a rut, try one (or more!) of these positions to break out of your bedroom routine.

6. Incorporate some toys.

Whether you’re using them for solo play or with your partner, sex toys can help add some spice to your sex life.

7. Be more verbal.

If you’re usually quiet during sex, try speaking up! Talk dirty, moan, scream, whatever feels natural. Letting your partner know what you’re enjoying will not only help them feel good, but it’ll also turn you on.

8. Make a sex tape.

This one is definitely not for everyone, but if you’re feeling adventurous, why not make a sex tape? You can watch it back later and relive the experience.

9. Get kinky.

If you’re interested in exploring your kinky side, there are lots of resources out there to help you get started. Talk to your partner about what you’re both interested in trying and take things from there.

10. Get out of your comfort zone.

Trying something new can be scary, but it can also be exciting. If you’re feeling up for it, challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and try something that you’ve always wanted to do.

11. Be more present.

When was the last time you were fully present during sex? If you’re finding yourself distracted, try to focus on the physical sensations and the connection you’re sharing with your partner.

12. Set the mood.

Creating a sexy atmosphere can help get you in the mood and make sex more enjoyable. Dim the lights, light some candles, put on some music… do whatever helps you get in the mood.

13. Make eye contact.

Sustained eye contact can create a deeper connection with your partner. Next time you’re having sex, try making eye contact and see how it affects the experience.

14. Try a different time of day.

If you usually have sex at night, try doing it in the morning (or vice versa). Switching up the time of day can make sex feel more exciting.

15. Talk about your fantasies.

Sharing your fantasies with your partner can help bring you closer together and make sex more enjoyable. If you’re not sure how to bring it up, try reading a book or watching a movie that includes a sexual fantasy that you’d like to try.

16. Be more present.

When was the last time you were fully present during sex? If you’re finding yourself distracted, try to focus on the physical sensations and the connection you’re sharing with your partner.

17. Try a different place.

If you always have sex in your bedroom, try doing it somewhere else in your house (or even outside!). Changing up your location can make sex feel more exciting.

18. Get out of your comfort zone.

Trying something new can be scary, but it can also be exciting. If you’re feeling up for it, challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and try something that you’ve always wanted to do.

19. Make a sex bucket list.

Sit down with your partner and make a list of sexual activities that you’d like to try. Then, make it a goal to try one new thing from the list each month.

20. Take turns planning date nights.

Surprise your partner by planning a date night that includes a sexy activity. It could be anything from going to a strip club to playing tourist and checking out all the erotic art in your city’s museums.

21. Get a hotel room.

Plan a weekend getaway and book a hotel room for just the two of you. Having sex in a different environment can make it feel more exciting.

22. Be more playful.

sex doesn’t always have to be serious! Introducing some playful elements, like blindfolds, can make it more fun.

23. Try a new lubricant.

If you typically use lubricant during sex, try a different type (or flavor!) and see how it changes the experience.

24. Incorporate some toys.

Whether you’re using them for solo play or with your partner, sex toys can help add some spice to your sex life.

25. Try a different time of day.

If you usually have sex at night, try doing it in the morning (or vice versa). Switching up the time of day can make sex feel more exciting.

26. Get out of the bedroom.

Be spontaneous and have sex in a different room, or even outside! If you’re feeling really adventurous, try doing it in public (just make sure you don’t get caught!).

27. Make a sex playlist.

Create a playlist of songs that get you in the mood and play it the next time you’re having sex.

28. Talk about your fantasies.

Sharing your fantasies with your partner can help bring you closer together and make sex more enjoyable. If you’re not sure how to bring it up, try reading a book or watching a movie that includes a sexual fantasy that you’d like to try.

29. Get kinky.

If you’re interested in exploring your kinky side, there are lots of resources out there to help you get started. Talk to your partner about what you’re both interested in trying and take things from there.

30. Be more present.

When was the last time you were fully present during sex? If you’re finding yourself distracted, try to focus on the physical sensations and the connection you’re sharing with your partner.

31. Get a massage.

Giving and receiving massages can be a sexy way to connect with your partner. Try using a scented massage oil to set the mood.

32. Set the mood.

Creating a sexy atmosphere can help get you in the mood and make sex more enjoyable. Dim the lights, light some candles, put on some music… do whatever helps you get in the mood.

33. Play a sexy game.

There are lots of fun and sexy games out there that are designed to help couples get to know each other better (and get each other hot!). Do a little research and find one that you think you’ll both enjoy.

34. Take turns planning date nights.

Surprise your partner by planning a date night that includes a sexy activity. It could be anything from going to a strip club to playing tourist and checking out all the erotic art in your city’s museums.

35. Make a sex bucket list.

Sit down with your partner and make a list of sexual activities that you’d like to try. Then, make it a goal to try one new thing from the list each month.

36. Invest in some sexy lingerie.

Wearing something that makes you feel sexy can be a major confidence booster. If you’re not sure where to start, there are lots of online resources that can help you find the perfect lingerie for your body type.

37. Get out of your comfort zone.

Trying something new can be scary, but it can also be exciting. If you’re feeling up for it, challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and try something that you’ve always wanted to do.

38. Have a “yes, no, maybe” list.

Sit down with your partner and each of you make a list of sexual activities that you would like to try. Then, compare lists and see what you’re both up for trying.

39. Communicate your desires.

The first step to a more fulfilling sex life is communicating your wants and needs to your partner. If you’re not sure what you like, that’s OK, too. Exploring your sexuality with your partner can be just as exciting as trying something new.

Whether you try one of these ideas or all of them, adding a little spice to your love life is sure to bring you closer to your partner and help you feel more satisfied. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start exploring!

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