25 Things You Didn't Know About Love - Distinguished

25 Things You Didn’t Know About Love


Love is one of the most popular topics on the planet. We all think we know everything there is to know about love. However, there are quite a few things about love that we don’t know. Here are 25 things you didn’t know about love.

1. Love is blind.

We’ve all heard the saying “love is blind.” But did you know that there’s actually some scientific evidence to support this claim? A 2006 study found that when people are in love, they tend to focus more on their partner’s positive qualities and less on their negative qualities. In other words, they tend to see their partner in a more positive light than reality.

2. Love is a drug.

When you fall in love, your brain actually releases a cocktail of chemicals, including dopamine, oxytocin, and adrenaline. These chemicals have an intoxicating effect on the brain and can actually make you feel high. That’s why people in love often feel like they’re on a natural high.

3. Love can make you crazy.

Love can actually make you physically and mentally ill. If you’ve ever been in love, you know that it can sometimes make you feel like you’re losing your mind. That’s because love can trigger a part of the brain called the “craving center,” which is the same part of the brain that’s activated by drugs.

4. Love can be addictive.

Because love activates the craving center in the brain, it can actually be addictive. That’s why some people find it hard to let go of a relationship even after it’s clear that it’s not healthy.

5. Love is a tiara-wearing Cinderella.

The concept of “love” is often associated with images of Cinderella being whisked off to the ball by her handsome prince. However, the truth is that love comes in all different shapes and forms. You don’t need to be a fairytale princess to fall in love.

6. Love is temporary.

Though we often think of love as something that lasts forever, the truth is that love is often temporary. For example, the “love” that people feel for a new car or a new pair of shoes often fades after a few weeks or months.

7. Love is selfish.

Though we like to think of love as an altruistic emotion, the truth is that love is often selfish. We often fall in love with people who we think can make us happy or help us in some way.

8. Love is exciting.

Though love is often associated with images of hearts and roses, the truth is that love is often exciting and thrilling. The adrenaline and dopamine that are released when you fall in love can make you feel like you’re on a roller coaster ride.

9. Love is scary.

Though love is often thought of as a happy and positive emotion, it can also be scary. The intensity of the emotions that come with love can be overwhelming and can sometimes make people feel out of control.

10. Love is painful.

Though love is often thought of as a happy emotion, it can also be painful. The intensity of the emotions that come with love can sometimes lead to heartbreak.

11. Love is confusing.

Though love is often thought of as a simple emotion, it can actually be quite confusing. The chemicals that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a fog.

12. Love is all-consuming.

When you’re in love, it can feel like you’re the only two people in the world. Love can be all-consuming and can sometimes make it hard to focus on anything else.

13. Love is a roller coaster.

The emotions that come with love can be intense and can sometimes make you feel like you’re on a roller coaster. The highs and lows of the emotions can be hard to handle and can sometimes make you feel dizzy.

14. Love is a Euphoria.

Though love is often thought of as a happy emotion, it can actually be quite intoxicating. The cocktail of chemicals that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a Euphoria.

15. Love is dangerous.

Though love is often thought of as a safe emotion, it can actually be quite dangerous. The cocktail of chemicals that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a Euphoria.

16. Love is a fantasy.

Though love is often thought of as an emotion that’s based in reality, the truth is that love is often a fantasy. The hormones that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a dream.

17. Love is an illusion.

Though love is often thought of as an emotion that’s based in reality, the truth is that love is often an illusion. The chemicals that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a trance.

18. Love is a trap.

Though love is often thought of as an emotion that’s based in reality, the truth is that love is often a trap. The hormones that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a handcuffs.

19. Love is a fantasy.

Despite what many people think, love is often a fantasy. The chemicals that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a dream.

20. Love is an addiction.

Though love is often thought of as an emotion, the truth is that love is often an addiction. The cocktail of chemicals that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a addicts.

21. Love is Obsessive.

Though love is often thought of as an emotion, the truth is that love is often Obsessive. The cocktail of chemicals that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a obsessions.

22. Love is a mental illness.

Though love is often thought of as an emotion, the truth is that love is often a mental illness. The cocktail of chemicals that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a mental hospital.

23. Love is a myth.

Despite what many people think, love is often a myth. The chemicals that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a fairytale.

24. Love is a disease.

Though love is often thought of as an emotion, the truth is that love is often a disease. The cocktail of chemicals that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a hospital.

25. Love is a choice.

Despite what many people think, love is often a choice. The chemicals that are released when you’re in love can sometimes make you feel like you’re in a wedding.

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